uk visa tb test certificate in ghana

How to get UK Visa TB Test Certificate in Ghana


You need to get a UK visa TB test certificate in Ghana if you plan to visit the UK from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Niger, Liberia, Equatorial Guinea or Togo and are looking to stay for 6 months.

Applying for a UK Visa can be a terrible headache. You need to provide so much proof of your circumstances or you might be rejected.

This new law means that citizens from Burkina Faso, Niger, Liberia, Equatorial Guinea or Togo will have to book a UK visa TB test appointment in Accra, Ghana. Test results from other institutions will not be accepted for your UK visa application.

Do I need to get a TB test certificate for UK Visa?

Not everybody travelling to the UK needs to get a TB certificate for the visa. The UK government has specified exemptions for certain travellers to the UK.

  • People applying for a certificate of entitlement;
  • People who qualify for an exemption visa;
  • People with diplomatic passports.

Where can I get TB test certificate for UK Visa in Ghana? Where is IOM in Accra?

If you wish to book an appointment for a TB test certificate to visit the UK for more than 6 months, you have take a test at designated health centres. The health centre has to be approved by the Home Office, or you will not be allowed into the country even after you get your UK visa.

The approved health office for TB test certificate in Ghana is the Migration Health Assessment Center (IOM) located within the Airport Residential Area. The TB test clinic is near the Ghana Banking College in Accra.

IOM Migration Health Assessment Center
No. 22 Odoi Kwao Street
Airport Residential Area

Telephone numbers

  • +233 244 337 798
  • +233 244 335 856


You can book a TB test appointment by visiting IOM’s website.

How much does the UK TB test cost in Ghana?

The cost of the UK visa TB test in Ghana depends on your age.

  • Under 11 years: GHS650*
  • 11 years and above: GHS1,300*

*Note: The prices are applicable as at 3rd February, 2023.

How long does the UK TB test take?

After taking an X-Ray of your chest, the UK TB test certificate is ready within a few hours. At the very least, you will receive your TB test results in Ghana on the same day before leaving the IOM premises in Accra.

If the chest X-Ray is not conclusive, however, you will be asked to take a sputum test. This takes about 2 months, after which you will receive a yellow TB clearance certificate if you test negative.

The TB clearance certificate for your UK visa is valid for one year from the date of issue.

What documents are required for the TB test certificate?

The Migration Health Assessment Center in Accra only requires your passport or travel document to conduct the TB test for a UK Visa application. However, you will need to provide the following information:

  • An email address;
  • full name as it occurs in your passport/travel document;
  • local address;
  • visiting address in the UK;
  • type of visa applying for;
  • sponsor’s name, contact, and address

How to get the UK TB clearance certificate

The process of getting a UK TB clearance certificate from the IOM office in Ghana is rather straightforward. Here are steps to book an appointment and go through the TB test:

  • Book an appointment online for the UK Tuberculosis Detection Programme at the IOM.
  • Arrive early on the day of appointment so you can start your test early.
  • At the get, you will be asked to scan a QR code that will open up a new re-registration portal. This seems to be aimed at confirming test participants on the day.

You will have to fill out a form like the one below.

  • Once you have filled the information required, you will be ushered into the building at about 0730 GMT (or depending on when you arrive).
  • You will be given a slip of paper to upon confirming your name on the attendance record. You will be asked to write your name on the slip of paper.
  • Next, you’ll join a queue to make the required payment. The UK Tuberculosis test costs GHS 1200 for an adult and GHS 600 for a child under 11 years. They only accept cash.
  • After taking your receipt, you will join another queue, this time to have your picture taken. Here, you will confirm your details before leaving. You will also be asked why you wish to visit the UK. State the official reason here, whether it is for education, family reunion, or settlement.
  • At the end of this, you will sign 2 declaration forms. The reception will take one of the forms in addition to your passport. You will keep the other for your personal reference.
  • You will be invited to take an X-Ray further down the hall. Note that you will have take off your shirt for the test.
  • After the X-Ray, you will be sent to a doctor where you will be asked about your personal or family’s health history. Questions to be asked include:
    • Have you ever been diagnosed of TB?
    • Has any family member been diagnosed of Tuberculosis?
    • Do you have any underlying health condition?
    • Do you cough?
  • It is a pretty simple process after which you will be asked to wait outside.
  • If you tested negative for TB, you will be given an unsigned copy of your test result about half an hour later. This could take longer depending on the crowd. You will be asked to confirm the details and make any corrections in your personal information where needed.
  • Once all is confirmed, you will receive your UK TB clearance certificate with a hologram fixed on the top right section. IOM will stamp on the top left corner near your image. The assessing doctor’s signature will appear at

How can I book an appointment for UK TB Certificate in Ghana?

You have to book an appointment online at IOM’s website. Follow the steps below to enter your details and pick available dates for your TB test in Accra.

  1. Visit the IOM website.

Here, click on Register Now to start the process.

book uk tb test appointment

2. Enter your name and DoB here.

Don’t worry about the Date of First Contact. It is entered automatically the day you open the website. The Country of Assessment is Ghana. The City of Assessment is Accra. The IOM Mission is IOM Accra, which will be entered automatically for you.

Fill in the type of UK Visa you are applying for. Then provide your names as they appear in your travel document.

Click Next.

uk tb appointment

3. Confirm your choices.

Once you fill in the form, the UK TB test appointment form will ask you to confirm your choices.

Click OK on the popup that appears at the top of the page.

UK TB caution

4. Fill in your address and contact details.

Here, you will have to fill out your passport number details as well. Make sure there are no errors on this form.

Click Next.

UK TB form

5. Enter your proposed UK information.

You will have to fill in the address to where you will be staying in the UK. If you are being sponsored to acquire a UK visa, select yes. Then choose the type of UK visa you are applying for.

Then you will have to enter the sponsor’s name, their address, and address in the UK.

Click Next.

UK TB iom form

6. Enter the code.

This is where you will be asked to enter a Secret Question for security purposes. This is needed for when you forget your password and/or username.

Choose a Secret Question and enter an answer known only to you.

Then enter the verification code as it appears in the coloured box.

Click Finish.

uk tb captcha code

7. Choose available date and time for your UK TB appointment.

In this step, you’ll choose from available date and time for your appointment. It is important that you make this appointment at least two months ahead of your intended departure for the UK. Time slots could be filled up if you wait till the last days. Also, this is best practice as it will give you more time in case you have to do a sputum test (which could take 6 weeks to get results).

From the image below, the red fields indicate there are no available slots. You would have to click on the two arrows next to month and year (AUGUST 2022) to check out available appointment dates in the next months.

UK TB appointment

8. Green fields indicate available slots.

The green fields in the image below indicate dates that are available. After selecting one, click Save.

uk tb appointment available

If you are not able to get a date even when there are green fields, try restarting the process again. There might be too many people on the website and the dates might have been filled up while you were considering which one to pick.

Once successful, you will receive an email containing your appointment date and time. You will also receive your Username and Password for when you need to log into IOM’s website again.

Do I need a yellow fever vaccination card?


Ghana is one of the countries considered at risk of yellow fever. For this reason, travellers are required to acquire a Yellow Fever Vaccination Card before leaving Ghana for the UK.

Good luck!

22 thoughts on “How to get UK Visa TB Test Certificate in Ghana

      1. Thanks for the reply but please i called all the two numbers you gave but it was off not going through


  1. Please I have registered already, but I want to add my husband and kids, is it possible.. or I should register them with new applicants .


    1. Hi, I am sorry for the late reply. Normally each applicant must book an appointment. But I think you should call them and tell them about it and they might be able to assist you.


  2. I Mark Odei nyarko would like to book an appointment for TB Test for UK visa as students to support my documents at your centre. 0545176011


    1. Under 11 years: GHS650*
      11 years and above: GHS1,300*
      *Note: The prices are applicable as at 3rd February, 2023


  3. Please when booking an appointment with your dependant, must it be done individually or the main applicant can book for both


  4. I was asked to take a sputum test but for three days but work couldn’t permit so would want to find out if I qualify again to book another appointment and pay


    1. +233 244 337 798
      +233 244 335 856

      Please call these numbers and tell them your problem. They will guide you through what to do.


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